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Eligius, also sometimes referred to as Éloi or "Luke-Jr's pool", is a mining pool.

To use it, a miner merely needs to be directed to pool.bitcoin.dashjr.org on port 8337, with the username set to a valid bitcoin address (which receives the payout). No registration is needed.

Donation address: 1RNUbHZwo2PmrEQiuX5ascLEXmtcFpooL

Basic concepts:

  • Pool keeps all transaction fees to itself, plus 0.00000001 BTC per second since last-found block (currently this works out to about 0.0003%, and gets smaller with more miners in the pool).
  • Remaining reward is divided equally among ALL shares contributed since its last-found block.
  • When a block is found, the miner is paid for that block immediately as a Generated transaction, but only if his total balance is over 1 BTC (to help the recipient avoid transaction fees).
  • If a block is orphaned, its shares become part of the next block's reward distribution.
  • No registration. Just send username with the address you want payouts to (password can be anything).
  • Will only include transactions in its blocks if the sender pays a fee of at least 0.00004096 BTC per 512 bytes.

Eligius was announced on April 27, 2011[1]. At the time the service was operated without a name, paying out even tiny coins immediately.

To use

Please be sure to pass a valid address as your username. Incorrect usernames are silently ignored and earnings are kept by the pool.

  • poclbm: poclbm.exe -d1 --host=pool.bitcoin.dashjr.org --port=8337 --user=YourAddress --pass=x
  • phoenix: phoenix.exe -u http://YourAddress:x@pool.bitcoin.dashjr.org:8337 -k poclbm DEVICE=0 VECTORS BFI_INT FASTLOOP AGGRESSION=6
  • DiabloMiner: java -cp target\libs\*;target\DiabloMiner-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -Djava.library.path=target\libs\natives\windows com.diablominer.DiabloMiner.DiabloMiner -u YourAddress -p x -o pool.bitcoin.dashjr.org -r 8337 -g 5
  • ufasoft: bitcoin-miner.exe -a 5 -o http://pool.bitcoin.dashjr.org:8337 -u YourAddress -p x


warning: job finished, miner is idle

Try using port 80 instead of 8337, and/or setting your router to prioritize port 8337.

Eligius-related links

See Also
