Free transaction relay policy

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Revision as of 04:44, 13 April 2011 by Sgornick (talk | contribs) (Add See Also section and an entry for the Transaction fees article.)
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The original client currently refuses to relay transactions it considers "unacceptable". However, there may be miners that are willing to put these in a block. This group is for people who want to send such transactions, and those who want to put them in blocks.

Simply have your node maintain a connection to Lightfoot Hosting's node, which relays indiscriminately. This means that you can broadcast your transaction to it, and it will relay it to any miner who also has a connection to it. If your transaction meets the policies of at least one miner connected, it should eventually get into a block.

How to use or participate


Add the command-line parameter: -addnode=

Participating miners

Miner Minimum Fee (BTC) Cost per KB Non-standard Tx Other Policy Notes
Luke-Jr 0.2 TBC (0.00008192 BTC) 0.2 TBC Yes 2 TBC/KB at larger sizes

See Also