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Revision as of 05:05, 15 January 2011 by Dooglus (talk | contribs) (questioning the assertion in the page that there's no such thing as progress)
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What if I'm 1% towards calculating a block and...?

"There's no such thing as being 1% towards solving a block. You don't make progress towards solving it."

Is this true? I don't know if there's a nonce which will solve any given block, but for a block that is solvable, it's possible to be 1% of the way towards finding it. Supposing it takes 10 million attempts to 'solve' a block, then after 100,000 attempts you could say you were 1% towards solving it. You're certainly closer to solving it than you were before those 100,000 failed attempts, aren't you? Dooglus 05:05, 15 January 2011 (GMT)