Tonal Bitcoin

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Tonal BitCoin is a system used by nobody and promoted by a single individual. The overwhelming consensus of the Bitcoin community is that Tonal Bitcoin is nonsense, and nobody uses or trades "tonal" bitcoins. But, since there is no rule against documenting nonsense in the Wiki, here's an explanation of it. For an example of a similarly confusing and non-useful way of counting Bitcoins, see Radial BitCoin.

Please note, that all numbers of TBC and its divisions/multipliers are written in Tonal, not decimal. This means that instead of counting 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10-- you count: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, , 9, , , , , , 10. Some higher-value digits may require installing a font.

The character "9" means either nine or ten, depending on which system you're using.

Unit BTC TBC Pronunciation
TBCᵇ 0.00000001 0.0001 BitCoin-bong
TBCᵐ 0.00000016 0.001 BitCoin-mill
TBCˢ 0.00000256 0.01 BitCoin-san
TBCᵗ 0.00004096 0.1 BitCoin-ton
TBC 0.00065536 1 BitCoin*
ᵗTBC 0.01048576 10 Ton-BitCoin
ˢTBC 0.16777216 100 San-Bitcoin
ᵐTBC 2.68435456 1000 Mill-BitCoin
ᵇTBC 42.94967296 1,0000 Bong-BitCoin
2,814,749.76710656 1,0000,0000 Tam-BitCoin

* Tonal BitCoin and Decimal BitCoin can be differentiated by the pronunciation of the numbers. "One bitcoin", "two bitcoin", etc is decimal, but "an bitcoin", "de bitcoin" is tonal.

The total number of Tonal BitCoins ever (analogous to the 21mil BTC) is just over 7.75059 tam-bitcoin.

For more information on the Tonal system in general, please see the book.

Compatible Clients

While all BitCoin clients will correctly approximate values in decimal bitcoin, actual Tonal compatibility is sparse.

  • Spesmilo, despite its name, can be configured to display TBC

Guessing TBC or BTC

Given variable 'value' in base units (uBTCents/TBCᵇ), one can guess whether it is properly Decimal BitCoin or Tonal BitCoin with the following pseudo-code:

if ( ! ( this % 0x10000 ) )
	Choose Tonal BitCoin
if ( ! ( this % 1000000 ) )
	Choose Decimal BitCoin
if ( ! ( this % 0x100 ) )
	Choose Tonal BitCoin


import math

def formatBTC(n, addSign = False):
	s = "%0.2f BTC" % (math.ceil(n * 100) / 100.,)
	if addSign and n >= 0:
		s = "+" + s
	return s

def Bitcoin2BTC(n):
	return n / 100000000.

toTonalDict = dict(((57, u'\ue9d9'), (65, u'\ue9da'), (66, u'\ue9db'), (67, u'\ue9dc'), (68, u'\ue9dd'), (69, u'\ue9de'), (70, u'\ue9df'), (97, u'\ue9da'), (98, u'\ue9db'), (99, u'\ue9dc'), (100, u'\ue9dd'), (101, u'\ue9de'), (102, u'\ue9df')))

def formatTBC(n, addSign = False):
	s = "%x" % n
	n %= 1
	if n:
		s += '.'
		while n:
			n *= 16
			s += "%x" % n
			n %= 1
	s = unicode(s).translate(toTonalDict)
	s += " TBC"
	if addSign and n >= 0:
		s = "+" + s
	return s

def Bitcoin2TBC(n):
	return n / 65536.

def formatBitcoin(n, addSign = False):
	if not n % 0x10000:
		return formatTBC(Bitcoin2TBC(n), addSign);
	if not n % 1000000:
		return formatBTC(Bitcoin2BTC(n), addSign);
	if not n % 0x100:
		return formatTBC(Bitcoin2TBC(n), addSign);
	s = "%d uBTCents" % (n,);
	if addSign and n > 0:
		s = "+" + s;
	return s;