
From Bitcoin Wiki
Revision as of 10:33, 30 March 2011 by Da2ce7 (talk | contribs) (Added BtcFn)
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Freenet is a free open source community project to provide a un-censorable distributed database that can be interacted with in various way. Some of the most popular applications running on Freenet at-the-moment include: FProxy, an internet like system where you can browse ‘freesites’ using a standard web browser). FMS, (free messaging service), software that allows for mailing style forums. Freetalk, next generation web-of-trust based messaging and forum software.

The bitcoin community is working on a developing bitcoin-on-freenet, this project has the goals of being able to fully interact with bitcoin anonymously through freenet, potentially creating a darknet of bitcoin users.

BtcFn Project

The BtcFn Project is a project of porting the Bitcoin transport layer to Freenet, more information can be found at: USK@oG7cGoUEBuHyulWpcmqV0yc-I569Re2A7RRs8zRljEs,IWIcXczmLdP9FEjTvoxJgGnXnK5~PxOppN-wYSADPWQ,AQACAAE/bitcoin-over-freenet/1/

And the Bitcoin Forum thread:

We are looking for donations! Please Donate for this project to become a reality.

Backups of the 'Bitcoin Wiki' on Freenet

2011 03 30 CHK@6O-EgF8YUODGhq66dcslTsmxLIbht8ZL4YnpzuKiRHM,G4dY5kv0P5BVBeKfUCJRTby7DH6zP58QQMCMMdpTJL8,AAIC--8/bitcoin30032011.7z?max-size=4986701