Uploads by Nibor

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This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
23:21, 12 September 2011 BlockChainStatus.png (file) 48 KB Number of servers with blockchain in different stages of being downloaded. 1
23:15, 12 September 2011 HostServerRatio.png (file) 27 KB Chart of ratio of hosts to listening hosts. 1
22:59, 12 September 2011 HostsWeek.png (file) 37 KB   1
20:34, 10 October 2012 Import1.PNG (file) 69 KB Import Private Key in console 1
20:48, 10 October 2012 Import2.PNG (file) 76 KB ImportTime 1
20:48, 10 October 2012 InAddressBook.PNG (file) 40 KB Address in Address book 1
20:48, 10 October 2012 ReceivedTrans.PNG (file) 49 KB Bitcoins received 1
19:45, 10 October 2012 Screen1.PNG (file) 33 KB Console menu 1
20:49, 10 October 2012 Unlock.PNG (file) 41 KB   2