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PS Coin is the only correctly incentivized exchange of any kind. PS Coin uses a uniquely designed algorithm to encourage "healthy" behavior among traders in a market by awarding limit orders with royalties relative to their participation in helping produce a deep, dense, and stable market.

Traders are automatically compensated for placing orders for as many units of currency as they can, as close to the bid-ask-spread as they dare, for having those orders sit there for a long time accumulating royalties, and then eventually having their orders trade.

As a result of the PS Coin incentive algorithm, all of the bids and asks you will see on the PS Coin markets are very likely to remain there. It's not an illusion of stability, as traders have come to experience many times in traditional markets. It's actual stability.

Incentivized trading explanatory video

PS Coin incentivized trading explanatory video


  • Only market in the world with mathematically-correct incentivized markets
  • Limit orders accumulate royalties for simply participating in the market
  • Traders are incentivized to produce deep, dense, and stable markets
  • Trade 24/7
  • Trading engine can process about 500,000 new orders per second (an incredible engineering feat considering the PS Coin incentivized engine must process royalties for every existing order every time a new order is placed)
  • Quite-likely the most advanced wallet security in the entire Bitcoin and crypto-currency industry
  • Only 0.25% trading fee
  • Send/request funds in all supported currencies
  • US-based and federally regulated

Markets/Currency pairs

PS Coin currently has the following correctly incentivized markets (fiat markets will be added soon):

  • Bitcoin - Nxt
  • Bitcoin - Darkcoin
  • Bitcoin - Litecoin
  • Bitcoin - Paycoin
  • Bitcoin - Peercoin
  • Nxt - Darkcoin
  • Nxt - Litecoin

Coming soon:

  • USD - Bitcoin
  • USD - Euro


PS Coin has a powerful online wallet built on top of what likely the most advanced security infrastructure design of any crypto currency wallet or exchange online to date.


PS Coin has taken extreme, obsessive-compulsive measures to secure the crypto-currency funds which its servers control. The private keys which control the majority of all funds deposited to PS Coin are encrypted and stored offline in bank vaults at various undisclosed locations. For online funds, PS Coin sought the expertise of cryptographers and decorated cybersecurity experts to design and engineer what is likely the first online wallet which has all of the following properties:

  • PS Coin servers store no private keys unencrypted
  • PS Coin servers store no decryption keys unencrypted
  • PS Coin servers store no decryption key decryption keys
  • A private key only exists in memory at the time a transaction is signed, then is promptly overwritten
  • The unique data necessary to cryptographically arrive at a private key only exists in memory at the time a transaction is signed, then is promptly overwritten
  • No more than one private key exists in memory at a time, per-internal node
  • No more than one unique vector of data necessary to cryptographically arrive at a private key exists in memory at a time, per-internal node
  • The time a private key exists in memory can only be measured in microseconds
  • The operating system itself protects access controls, in such a way that there is only exactly one possible way funds can be sent within the checks and balances of PS Coin's overall system
  • Not even PS Coin personnel at the highest level are able to manually access unencrypted private keys in any way, even if they have root access to PS Coin servers
  • Even if all of the PS Coin servers were physically stolen at any time, it would be computationally impractical for a bad actor to recreate even a single private key with the data stored on them


PS Coin development began in September 2013. PS Coin was officially founded in December of 2013 and publicly announced and launched its initial alpha test in February 2015.

See Also

External Links

  • PS Coin exchange online web application
